Viscosity vpn download
Viscosity vpn download

viscosity vpn download

Import configurations from a file or serverįirst off, you need to set up at least one connection before being on the safe side. Applications such as Viscosity offer a helping hand in this regard, allowing you to create a secure tunnel through which to safely access every part of the internet. Nowadays, with businesses being dependent of the web, you need to make sure that no one can trace your actions, to decrease the risk of being the victim of a virtual attack. More.The Internet is full of dangers just waiting for the right moment to strike weak or unsecured connections.Create simple deployable connection profiles. Enterprise Support: Easily bundle Viscosity with settings and connections so your users don't have to worry.Proven Technology: Viscosity is in use everywhere, from small business to Fortune 500 companies, schools, universities, at home and on the road.

viscosity vpn download

Script Everything: Control Viscosity using AppleScript, or call custom AppleScript or Batch/Vbs scripts when a connection connects or disconnects.DNS Done Right: Viscosity fully integrates with Mac OS X's advanced DNS system to allow custom DNS servers and search domains to be used while connected.System Protected: The Mac's keychain and Windows's credential system are used to make sure your details are kept safe and secure.Traffic Statistics:Viscosity monitors your OpenVPN connections to ensure you know all the important network and connection details in style.Cross-Platform: Viscosity has been designed from the ground up for both Mac and Windows users.Viscosity allows for full control over VPN connections, powerful routing options, running custom scripts, controlling Viscosity using AppleScript, and much more. As well as being welcoming to new users, Viscosity caters for power and expert users. Its clear and intuitive interface makes creating, configuring, or importing connections a snap. Viscosity makes it easy for users new to VPNs to get started.

Viscosity vpn download